Python for Engineers Lecture
This is the root repository of the course python for engineers
- Introduction into Python and Jupiter Notebooks
- Python syntax, data types, and control structures, loops
- Functions, namespaces, and libraries
- Tuples, sets, and dictionaries
- Working with strings
- Working with files: Introduction to Pandas
- Numerical Math: Introduction to NumPy
- Graphs and chars: Introduction to MathPlot
- Using web services: Introduction to Requests
- Object oriented programming in python
Presentation (for teachers)
Best use with jupyter notebooks + RISE (see here how to install). ! Currently this only works with notebook 6.5.5, downgrade if nescessary ! To start jupyter notebooks, go to this directory and type:
jupyter notebook
Use the following command to convert lectures to static html presentations
jupyter nbconvert LECTURE.ipynb --to slides --post serve
To create a pdf of the slides use
jupyter nbconvert --to slides lecture.ipynb --post serve
Open browser and naivgate to URL
Command-P and save as PDF