Big polyfile extents lead to timeout
Created by: hixi
Using very large polyfiles leads to:
- a timeout on server
- unstartet extraction
Possible solutions:
- reduce too big polyfiles geometries using a buffer and simplify.
- instead of on-the-fly-adding buffer use a precomputed one
- use subregions of the too big polyfiles, which might not necessarily be smaller
- Use only verified polyfiles. ie. Brittany gives an error
sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError: (psycopg2.InternalError) GEOSIntersects: TopologyException: side location conflict at -3.3223849914347121 48.843851070663817
on the worker side - use signals or similar process to start the process so the user gets an answer before the conversion is actually started
- curated polyfiles by OSMaxx-Team: simplify polyfiles before adding; add limit to number of points for polyfile (inclusive buffer?).
A good example is France - Brittany