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Draft: Issue 7

Lukas Schnellmann requested to merge issue-7 into main
  1. In Changeset panel make changset-no. clickable.
  2. In "Filter" Panel rechts: => "Filter", Titel ist abgeschnitten? Welcher ist aktiv (keiner, ,,,)? Wie kommt man beim Editieren wieder raus?
    • put edit, duplicate and delete button into new button menu, grouping the three buttons into one menu button and a popup menu.
  3. Filter: Buttons um Filter anzuzeigen sortiert nach Erstellungsdatum, Titel, Autor (was passiert bei 30 Filter)?
    • sort by titel is implemented
    • sort by author/creation date? no author is saved nor a date
    • filters are scrollable if there are too many
  4. In "Create/Edit Filter" dialog: Add possibility to import a WKT polygon
    • -
  5. In "Create Filter" dialog: Date picker should not show "close" but "OK".
    • changed "close" to "OK"

Merge request reports