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Tamer Tas authored

# Boilr [![Travis Widget]][Travis] [![Release Widget]][Release] [![Report Widget]][Report] [![License Widget]][License] [![Gitter Widget]][Gitter]

Are you doing the same steps over and over again every time you start a new programming project?

boilr is a powerful language-agnostic command-line boilerplate template tool here to help you.

Usage Demonstration

For more details, see Introduction page.


  • No dependencies (NodeJS, Python Interpreter etc.)
  • Full power of golang templates (Easy to learn & powerful)
  • Dead simple boilerplate template creation


Use boilr help to get the list of available commands.

Download a Template

In order to download a template from a github repository, use the following command:

boilr template download <github-repo-path> <template-tag>
boilr template download tmrts/boilr-license license

The downloaded template will be saved to local boilr registry.

Save a Local Template

In order to save a template from filesystem to the template registry use the following command:

boilr template save <template-path> <template-tag>
boilr template save ~/boilr-license license

The saved template will be saved to local boilr registry.

Use a Template

In order to use a template from template registry use the following command:

boilr template use <template-tag> <target-dir>
boilr template use license ~/Workspace/example-project/

You will be prompted for values when using a template.

[?] Please choose an option for "License"
    1 -  "Apache Software License 2.0"
    2 -  "MIT"
    3 -  "GNU GPL v3.0"
    Select from 1..3 [default: 1]: 2
[?] Please choose a value for "Year" [default: "2015"]:
[?] Please choose a value for "Author" [default: "Tamer Tas"]:
[✔] Created /home/tmrts/project/LICENSE
[✔] Successfully executed the project template license in /home/tmrts/project

For more information please take a look at Usage and Creating Templates pages in the wiki.

Reporting Issues

You can report issues directly from the command-line by using the command, boilr report.

A markdown file will be opened where the first line is the issue title and the rest is the issue body.

After creating the issue, save & exit the editor and you will be prompted for github credentials needed to create the issue.

Template Catalog

Take a look at Templates page for a list of project templates, examples, and more information.


If you'd like to contribute, share your opinions or learn more, please feel free to open an issue.

At this stage, user feedback is of utmost importance, every contribution is welcome however small it may be.

How Do I Get It?

There are binaries available for Linux & OSX. You can download them directly, or run the installation script. Please see Installation page for more information.