Are you doing the same steps over and over again every time you start a new programming project?
`boilr` is a powerful language-agnostic command-line project templating scaffolding tool here to help you.
For lots of more details, see [the Wiki page](
# Features
- Blazingly Fast
- No dependencies (NodeJS, Python Interpreter etc.)
- Full power of [golang templates]( (Easy to learn & powerful)
# How do I get it?
There are binaries available for Linux & OSX. You can download them directly,
or run the installation script. Please see [the Wiki page]( for more information.
To use templates shared by others and create your own please take a look at the
[Usage]( and [Creating Templates](
Take a look at [the Wiki page]( for a list of project templates, examples, and more information.
# Contributing
If you'd like to contribute, share your opinions or learn more, please feel free to open an issue.
At this stage, user feedback is of **utmost importance**, every contribution is welcome however small it may be.
You can report issues **directly from the command-line** by using the command, `boilr report`.
A markdown file will be opened where the first line is the issue title and the rest
is the issue body.
After creating the issue, save & exit the editor and you will be
prompted for github credentials needed to create the issue.